Menstruation remains one of the reasons girls drop out of school in Uganda. Girls miss 4-5 days of school every month which has greatly affected their grades in school and even caused many to leave school indefinitely. 1 in 10 school girls miss classes or drop out completely due to their menstruation periods and substitute pads for less safe and absorbent materials such as rags.
“Girls miss school not simply because they fear being teased by their classmates if they show stains from their period, but also because they are not educated about their periods, and their need for safe and clean facilities is not prioritised,” observes Martha Muhwezi, the chairperson of the Forum for African Women Educationalists.‘ Through addressing the girls’ issues of sexuality, addressing the stigma that surrounds menstruation, the culture of silence about sexuality, myths, taboos and cultural practices that negatively influence girls’ lives, Through this project, Menstrual Hygiene Management for Girls (MHM4G) PHF aims at demystifying the subject. Such that It‘s more acceptable to all responsible parties that play a central role in supporting girls’ education, the less negative outcomes menstruation will have on the girls’ education.
Through this project we do provide both disposable and reusable sanitary pads/towels to our vulnerable girls with the essence of first of all limiting girl child school drop outs because of menstruation.